Finding Your Circle - The True Friends in Life

Finding true friends in life is pretty tough. As you get older, you’ll notice how many “friends” have turned into people you used to know. So what’s the difference between those that will stick around and those that won’t and how do you find those true friends in life?

Checklist for True Friendship

You’ll know the difference between your real friends and your fake ones when they pass this true friendship checklist.

  • real friends don’t have to talk everyday, they can go days, weeks, or months without talking and still pick up right where they left off when they do talk and it feels like nothing has changed; there is no awkwardness or anger about the long gap in talking

  • real friends will have your back no matter what the situation; whether it’s backing you up when you’re present or even when you’re not, your best, true friends will always choose to defend you rather than talk poorly about you behind your back

  • real friends MUST encourage you

    • most women have a pretty hard time encouraging other women and feel the need to be competitive with each other and with themselves, so when you find someone that encourages you to reach for the stars and follow your dreams instead of holding you back so they can be/do better than you, you know they have YOUR best intentions at heart

You don’t need a big group of friends to feel loved or popular in life, just five essential people that pass the true friendship checklist and that can

The ones the stick around through it all; the drama, the good times, the hard times, all the life events, those are your true friends.


Alzheimer's: Goldie's Love

